
Buy Your Ticket



Ticket carnet

Tickets booklet
national line


10 tickets (discount applied based on the daily rate in effect at the time of purchase). The booklet is valid for 120 days from the start date of validity.

To proceed with the purchase of the "carnet", the passenger must first of all request the release of a special company identification card under the
category "NATIONAL CARD".
The request for the card can be submitted online, by registering on our website (www.autoservizisalemi.it). The passenger will enter in the "TESSERE" section of his/her account and will insert the documentation required for the issuance of the card.
The Autoservizi Salemi National Card request can also be sent by e-mail to: booking@autoservizisalemi.it
The documents required for issuing the “National Card” are as follows:

  • No. 1 passport photo
  • Copy of the identity card or passport
  • The company identification National Card in question is issued free of charge and is valid for 5 years.

The purchase of the Carnet, can be made in all Resellers authorized by Autoservizi Salemi or online by credit card through the internal website www.autoservizisalemi.it or via the Salemi App;

To view the carnet from your account, you must associate the personal Autoservizi Salemi identification card number,( issued by Autoservizi Salemi) with the account. Once the carnet has been purchased, the passenger must identify the date of the first journey which will correspond to the starting date of validity of the carnet itself.
With the purchase of the Ticket Carnet, the passenger will book the journeys of interest by entering the travel days and times, within the validity period of the purchased Carnet.

  • The Carnet is strictly personal and cannot be transferred to third parties. When the passenger gets on board the bus, the carnet must be shown to the driver together with the company identification card issued by Autoservizi Salemi Srl;

  • The reservation of the journey can be made by travel date only within the period of validity of the carnet;

  • The carnet can only be used on the route purchased (for example Rome-Palermo);

  • If the passenger forgets his company identification card or ticket, he or she is required to purchase the regular one-way ticket on board at the price in effect on the date;

  • The carnet can only be refunded in the event of non-use, as can be seen from the following conditions:

  • No tickets must have been used; 

  • No ticket must be expired (reserved and not used);

  • The request for a refund Carnet must be made no later than 30 days from the date of the first issue.

  • Tickets within the carnet cannot be refunded individually. It is possible to cancel a carnet ticket before the bus departure time, and make a reservation for a new travel date;

  • Tickets not used within the period of validity of the carnet and/or expired, CANNOT be refunded and/or changed;

  • The Carnet partially used and/or with booked and expired journeys is NOT refundable. In no case can the partially used Carnet be refunded; 

  • The date change of the single ticket is allowed, only if the change is made within the date and time of the trip originally booked. The date change can be made up to three times; 

  • The date change can be made online by accessing the website www.autoservizisalemi.it after registration, via the Salemi APP or by contacting our offices at no. tel.0923981120 (9am-1pm and 3pm-7pm);

  • Requests for date changes received after the date or departure time indicated on the ticket are not permitted and will result in the loss of the ticket;

For anything not expressly provided for, please refer to the National Travel Regulations published on the company website www.autoservizisalemi.it

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Attenzione: Fermata soppressa a Salemi P.zza della Libertà

Comunichiamo ai Sig.ri passeggeri che dal 07.04.2023 e  fino a completamento dei lavori, la fermata di salita a Salemi P.zza della Libertà – in direzione Palermo Aeroporto e Palermo città – non potrà essere effettuata.
Passengers can get on at the Cappuccini bus stop and at the Salemi/Gibellina railway station.
The bus stop in P.zza della Libertà on arrival in Salemi is regular.
Autoservizi Salemi Srl.